Rock Talk: Rock Talk is a program that has students and adults that are paired together to speak about issues that affect their faith and personal lives. Students and adults meet at different locations throughout Scotus at 2:30 on a Wednesday preselected by Sarah Doerneman. Each session begins with an ice-breaker activity, then moves on to an opening prayer and discussion of each person’s highs and lows. Following this, the religious discussion begins with a look at the week’s Gospel reading. Students participate in a WRAP (write, reflect, apply and pray) at the end of the session to talk about how the reading can be applied in their daily lives. If you are interested in becoming a Rock Talk leader, email Sarah Doerneman.

Connected: Connected nights are an opportunity for teens to gather outside of the school setting to grow in relationship with each other and with God. Each night is planned and led by our student Campus Ministry Team and entails recreation, prayer, social time, and snacks. The goal of “Connected” is to provide a space for teens to both have fun and encounter Jesus, in turn building up a community of young and faithful followers of Christ. All teens are welcome!


The GodTeen Program (formerly known as Godparents) consists of small peer groups of teens meeting in the homes of their “Godparents” to talk about faith, how it applies to their daily lives, and support for living their faith. The atmosphere is one of openness, honesty, trust, and support. The program began at St. Bonaventure in 1995 and now has 32 Godparent couples and over 230 students from all three high schools! Our evenings include icebreakers, prayer, lessons, activities designed to springboard into discussions of current topics and issues, Scripture, Christian music, and applying our Catholic faith perspectives to the issues we discuss.  The final 30 minutes is social time reserved for great food, socializing, games, and fun! To sign up, click here.

Some opportunities I have been given as a student at Scotus are the ability to express my faith freely in school, and access to classes that prepare me for college. The faculty at Scotus all strive to make the transition to college and decision of a major stress free with the numerous of unique opportunities, as well.

-Mason Gonka, Senior, Scotus Central Catholic

I have received countless opportunities to better myself at Scotus through the teachers, academics, and other extracurriculars I am involved in. Through these, I have undertaken many leadership roles that will benefit me in the future as I go onto college and into the workforce. I know that I am speaking for everyone when I say that while you attend Scotus, there are high expectations for you. Teachers, coaches, and the administration all push you to be the very best version of yourself in every aspect of life. Because of Scotus, I was able to attend faith-related events such as Steubenville, JC Camp, Connected and GodTeens, which has changed my life for the better and gave me an appreciation for my faith that I would not have had otherwise.

-Sofia Karges, Junior, Scotus Central Catholic

I love St. Bonaventure because I get to learn about God and pray each day. I also get to make new friends!

-Dreya Fiala, 6th grade, St. Bonaventure Elementary

I love St. Anthony's Elementary because the students and staff are all welcoming and friendly. The teachers also push us to do the best we can on projects and assignments. We also learn about Jesus and our faith every day and go to Mass on Fridays.

-Rhegan Bowns, 6th Grade, St. Anthony's Elementary


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