2023 Scotus Gala Information

The 42nd annual Gala dinner/auction is set for Saturday, April 15, 2023. The Gala is our schools largest annually fundraiser, proceeds go back to our general budget. Co-chairs are: Matt & Shanna Niedbalski, Chad & Michelle Oakley and Gerry & Christi Wiese. Vice-chairs are: Clete & Lisa Borchers, Dr. Scott & Kelly Cameron and Roger & Jill Krienke.
If you would like to participate by donating an item for the silent or oral
auctions, volunteer to help, or if you wish to receive an invitation to attend,
please contact our co-chairs, vice-chairs, or Janice Rosenquist in the Scotus
development office: or 402-564-7165 ext. 154 or jrosenquist@scotuscc.org.