Legacy Gifting: A Lasting Impact

Legacy gifts provide a meaningful way to leave a lasting mark on Columbus Catholic Schools and ensure the future of Catholic education for generations to come. By including Columbus Catholic Schools in your estate plans, you help sustain and strengthen our mission for years ahead. Your legacy gift can support scholarships, endowments, and special projects, making a difference that extends far beyond your lifetime.

Discover how you can create a lasting legacy through planned giving.

Giving to an operating endowment or establishing a new operating endowment fund is an impactful way to sustain the future of Columbus Catholic Schools. Operating endowments are designed to generate consistent, reliable funding that supports essential school needs, such as faculty salaries, facility maintenance, and educational resources, beyond what tuition and regular fundraising can provide. By contributing to an operating endowment, or creating a fund of your own, you ensure that our schools have a stable foundation, allowing them to focus on their mission of providing high-quality Catholic education for generations.

See Examples of Endowed & Annual Funds Here

To learn more about how your gift can make an impact, please contact Erin Schmidt, Director of Advancement, at eschmidt@colcath.org or 402-564-7165, ext. 112.





  • Columbus Catholic Schools Administration Office
    1554 18th Ave, Columbus, NE 68401
    402-564-7165, ext. 0

  • Scotus Central Catholic
    1554 18th Ave, Columbus, NE 68401
    402-564-7165, ext. 0

  • St. Anthony Elementary
    1719 6th Street, Columbus, NE 68601

  • Columbus Catholic Schools Advancement Office
    1554 18th Ave, Columbus, NE 68401
    402-564-7165, ext.112

  • St. Bonaventure Elementary
    1604 15th Street, Columbus, NE 68601

  • St. Isidore Elementary
    3821 20th Street, Columbus, NE 68601

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