Sign Up For the Quest Retreat and JC Camp

There will be a Quest Retreat Saturday and Sunday, April 1-2, at the Tintern Retreat Center near Oakdale, Nebraska. The cost is $50. Applications are due March 22. This Quest is open to all high school students. Please complete the following forms below. Questions? Contact Gene Schumacher.
Form B
Form C
Form E1
Form F
Form G
JC Camp will be June 15-18, at the Tintern Retreat Center near Oakdale, Nebraska. Applications are now being accepted for counselors for the 2023 JC Camp June 15 – 18. Deadline for applications is March 2, 2023. Fill out the forms below. If you have any questions you can contact Jeff Johnson at 402-910-2362 or Shannon Stutzman at 402-276-4432.